Thursday, December 10, 2009

Nepal's Geography

Nepal's Geography
Nepal has measures about eight hundreds kilometers along its Himalayan axis by 150 to 250 kilometers across with 147,181 square kilometers .It has slightly outrank Bangladesh OR THE STATE OF Arkansas .Nepal is landlocked by India on three sides and China's Xizang Autonomous region(Tibet) to the north .West Bengal's narrow Siliguri Corridor or Sikkim .Presently part of India and Bhutan .Nepal depends on India for transit facilities and access to the sea of the Bay Of Bengal .Even for the most goods imported from China.

  1. 1. the Land

a.The Terai Region
b.The Hill Region
c.The Mountain Region

  1. 2.Climate
  2. 3.River System
  3. 1.River Management
  4. 4.Area and boundaries
  5. Resources and land use
  6. Forests
  7. Environmental concerns

  8. References
  9. See also
  10. Externals Links

Continent Asia
Region Southern Asia
Indian subcontinent
Coordinates 33N80'E
Ranked 93rd
147.181 km 2 (56,826,9sq mi)

Borders Total lands borders
1,236km (??miles)India

Highest point Mount Everest

Longest River Karnali

Largest Lake Rara Lake

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