Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ashok Binayak Temple

Ashok Binayak Temp

Ashok Binayak Temple is one of the most famous temple in Kathmandu.It is located at eastern side of Hanuman Dhoka Durbar Square.This is temple of Lord Ganesha,with elephant head.This well associated with the royals of their Himalayan kingdom as well as social life of common public. This temple is recently struggling for getting its historical evident which has been found out by the people till now. It is dwarfed by the giant pagoda structure of Kasthamandap that stand in front of the temple but the locals automatically turn themselves to the temple and take a round from the left whenever they arrive at the courtyard of Maru.The only evident this temple has is that it was modified around 1850 A.D, which cannot be known as the date of its origin. It is strongly belief that large number of pilgrims come to this temple. The credit is given to the ancient priest. Jamana Gubhaju for initiating pious rituals and caretaking this temple, a local vendor Dhamanan Sayami acknowledges.

By the legend, the place where the temple is situated today was once upon a time a big jungle and people found the miraculous idol of Ganesha there. The legend implies that it belongs to the time long before Hanuman Dhoka as a royal palace came into existence. But as it was cramped among trees, the makers couldn’t give the final touch by adding a pinnacle to the small temple, so the people named it as Ashok Binayak.The tree shaped decarnation inside the temple that is hardly seen these days, are the reminder of the Ganesha’s love the Ashok tree that gave him its name.

Ashok Binayak is made of metal idol which is taken to the city on the eight day of Dashain .In this day, animals are sacrificed by the locals and people offered flowers to the Lord and runs from one street to others. The chariot of Lord Ganesha is then taking to Narayanhiti Royal Palace and Singh Durbar to poise offerings. Members of the royal family, along with their children visit to the temple to carry out rituals of Bratabandha, rice feeding and wedding. Likewise, visiting to this temple is for every monarch as a part of coronation in the country. A pilgrim hardly gets enough space in front of the temple to sit and ask for his blessing. And the busy pilgrims find it easy to salute the poor god from outside. Irrespective of its indistinct history and archaeological value, people throng to the temple every day with unlimited desire they believe will be fulfilled by bless of Ganesha.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Annapurna Temple

Annapurna Temple
Annapurna Temple is one of the most kinds of deity who fulfill all the needs of devotees. This temple is located at mid of Ashan In Kathmandu.The Goddess Annapurna is symbol of wealth,wish,food,success in one’s business, success in romance as relating to others aspect of life.Anna means food purna means fulfill. Whenever worship the Goddess Annapurna that person never enough of food, wealth & others aspect of life. The temple is very popular for fulfilling all type of wishes. This temple is constructing according to Ying principal. Hindus and Buddhist both come in this temple to worship and to do puja and they have great on goddess Annapurna.
Goddess Annapurna is an incarnation of Parvati wife of god Shiva. Goddess parvati is often seen giving begging with a skull begging bowl as Goddess Annapurna doles out food to her lover.the worship of goddess Annapurna originated in the remote past when all food disappear from the earth and all living beings were consequently in danger of pershing.They have recourse to Lord Brahma for help. Brahma consulted with Lord Vishnu and then decided to awaken. Lord Shiva from ritual sleep is known as Yoganidra and gives him responsibility for restarting prosperity. Shiva invited the goddess Annapurna to the earth and begged her for rice, which he distributed throughout the world.In Newari communities Annapurna temple is known as’ Asanmaru Ajima’.It is highly strong believe of Newar communities that if you get blessing of Goddess Annapurna you won’t get lose in business, so that while starting new business Newar’s come to goddess Annapurna to do her puja.Even if you put photo of goddess Annapurna on the north east corner of your puja room or in your home. Goddess Annapurna is also in build according to tantric philosophy. Main statue of Mother Annapurna is build in symbolic form as silver Kalash ( a sort of pot ) .if you think that goddess Annapurna is only goddess of food then you are wrong .Here in Annapurna temple she is worship as goddess as Laxmi not only the goddess of food. If you confuse this is actual fact about the goddess Annapurna.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Pashupatinath Temple

Pashupatinath Temple is one of the holiest temple in Nepal. The pashupatinath temple is considered as most important Hindus temple in Nepal. Hindus people are bathing ghats and other purposes. It is imagine that to die and to be die cremated here will release one from the cycle of repeated birth and death. It is located at near Gaushala.If you visit this temple bus services is available from Kathmandu, Ratna Park Bus station it takes 50 minutes to reach Gaushala, the stop for Pashupatinath.
Pashupatinath temple’s existence dates back to 400 AD. The ornamented pagoda houses the sacred Linga or phallic system of Lord Shiva. Thousands of pilgrims from all over the world come to pay homage to this temple that is also called ‘The Temple of Living Beings’. Inside the temple Lord Shiva is available which are four faces of the Lord Shiva are. In this temple only Hindus are permit, Non Hindus cannot enter most these temple and this is strictly strengthen. The Pashupatinath Linga has four faces and fifth invisible one is said to be on top of the others. The recent of Linga date back to the fourteen century. The main festival of the year is Mahashivaratri.It lies between Februarys to March. Pilgrims come from all over the Nepal and India. The busiest time is from 7am to 10am and 6 pm to 9 pm.Arati time, when lamps and other items are offered, are the most busiest times.Ekadashi , the eleventh day after the new and full moon day, are also usually busiest days.Another festival is Teej it lies in August, thousands Of women visit the temple to bath in the holy water of Bagmati River. Because this Ritual is meant bring a long happy marriage, many women dress in red saris, which are traditionally worn for wedding ceremonies. Full moon and new moon days are also considered auspicious to visit the temple.
From Pashupatinath you can see gold painted images of guardian deities,chaturmukh means four faced statue,arya ghat,Gauri ghat,Brahma Temple,Chandeshwor, which is inscribed Lichhavi linga from the seventh century,pandra Shivalaya means fifteen shrines,Gorakhnath and Vishworup Temple,Guhyeshwori Temple , Kirateshwor Mahadev Mandir & Surya ghat.The Pashupatinath temple has two lever roof of the temple are embellished with gold and the four main doors are adorned with silver. The temple is famous for its awe- inspiring and astounding pagoda architecture. The western door has a large statue of Bull is known as Nandi, is ornamented in gold. The black stone idols near about six fit in height and circumstance. The present architecture nature of Pashupatinath temple came into existence as a result of renovation by Queen Ganga devi during the reign of Shivasimha Malla ( 1578 – 1620 A.D ).